Sunday, April 22, 2007

Nor'easter of 2007: The Green Brook Flood Control Project

A front page article titled "A missing line of defense vs. floods" appeared in today (Sunday)'s Star Ledger, the leading newspaper of New Jersey. The primary point of the article was that the borough of Bound Brook, located at the downstream end of the flood control project, was still flooded this time because the planned levee/floodwall, due to lack of federal funding, was only partially constructed.

In the last section of the article about consequences of the entire planned project, I was quoted as saying "You want to control the source" of the flood water when discussing necessity of the initially planned, but later scrapped, two upstream flood control detention basins.

Image Credit: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

(My presentation contains additional info on the Green Brook project as well as other measures of urban flood management.)

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